Online Form Company Name Contact Name Address Town & State Phone Fax Email Site Name Treatment Process Units (Check all that apply) Oil/Water SeparatorAir StripperActivated Carbon (Liquid Phase)UV OxidationFiltrationOther Metals Removal (Please Specify) Site Details Please provide as much information as is available. The success of our deposit control technology is dependent upon the accuracy of our deposit characterization. General System and Water Quality Data: System Flow Rate Total Iron Total Hardness pH Water Temperature Dissolved Iron Total Alkalinity TDS or Conductivity Discharge to (Check One) POTWSurface WaterGroundwaterDrinking Water Microbiological Data: If you suspect microbiological growth, and have done any testing, please describe type of testing and results. Observations of Deposit: If you or your staff have observed deposits occurring at this site, circle any terms that might describe the deposit itself. hard scalegranular or flaky, but loosesoft, fine and mud likeslimyredorangeblackwhitetanpinkopaque Additional Comments