Case Studies
Since 1990, Redux Technology has provided deposit control agents and other specialty chemicals to remedial sites across the US, as well as in Canada, Europe, China and South America. Case Studies presented below provide a brief overview of several noteworthy applications. More detailed information is available regarding these and any other applications, upon request.

Technical papers
Redux technology staff regularly attend industry conferences not only to market our products, but also to stay informed about recent technical developments, and present technical papers. Several key conference presentations are provided below for your use or distribution.
- Fouling in Remediation Equipment: Effectively Confronting The Most Common Operating Impediment
- Use of Degradable, Non-Oxidizing Biocides and Biodispersants for the Maintenance of Capacity in Nutrient Injection Wells
- Iron Removal at Remedial Sites: New Regulations Drive the Search for Market-Appropriate Methods
- Recirc Well Biofouling Control